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Publishing to PyPI

In this course, we will only publish to Test PyPI, but the process is broadly the same for PyPI.

Create PyPI Account

Head to Test PyPI. Register for a new account. You will probably need to set up Two Factor Authentication (2FA). This is easiest using an app such as Google Authenticator.

Go to 'Account settings', scroll down to Api Tokens, and click on 'Add API Token'. Leave this page open for now, because you will need this token shortly.

Build your package

Back in VSCode, run

poetry build

This will create two packages in thr dist/ folder:


These are your distributable files. By default they will be included in the .gitignore, but you can remove them if you want people to be able to download development versions of your software.


Copy the API Token you created in Test PyPI, and then run

poetry config pypi-token.test-pypi <your-token>
poetry config repositories.test-pypi

Finally, run

poetry publish -r test-pypi

You can now look in your Test PyPI projects and it should be there! To check it has all worked, we deactivate the current environment and create a new one:

python3.10 -m venv venvTest
. venvTest/bin/activate

You can verify the path of the python version you are using by running

which python
and this should return something like:

Just as a sanity check, trying running

cancer-prediction run

and hopefully zsh (or bash) should not recognize this command.

We install the dependencies in the new environment using

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
We have to do this, because if you try to install a package from Test PyPI which has dendencies that are NOT hosted on Test PyPI, the installation will fail.

Now install your new package using pip- copy the command from the Test PyPI page for your project, and try out the cancer-prediction run command.

It really is that simple. Like Poetry.


What happens when we try to publish to PyPI for a second time? We will need to increment the version number in the pyproject.toml file. This is because PyPI will not allow you to upload the same version of a package twice.

Further reading