Data storage¶
Although we have been implementing our own storage for chat history, and the ability to summarize conversations, it would be nice to have a more robust storage solution. It would also be nice to be able to search over our previous conversations.
There are many different options for storing data:
- Redis
- Postgres
- DynamoDB
- Pinecone
But we will use ChromaDB. Everybody has an opinion about various vectorstores, and many of them are valid. The reason we chose ChromaDB is because it is very easy to use, and get up and running quickly.
In this section, we will first set up a database and use it to store query over our chat history.
import chromadb
from chromadb.utils.embedding_functions import OpenAIEmbeddingFunction
# All the usual imports
from rich.pretty import pprint
import dotenv
import os
Create the database¶
First we create a client to connect to our database.
We will use an OpenAI embedding model, text-embedding-3-small
, to embed our chat history entries.
We create a class so we can add some extra functionality, such as clearing the database, and a counter to keep track of the number of entries.
class ChatDB:
def __init__(self, name: str, model_name: str = "text-embedding-3-small"):
self.model_name = model_name
self.client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="./")
self.embedding_function = OpenAIEmbeddingFunction(api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY, model_name=model_name)
self.chat_db = self.client.create_collection(name=name, embedding_function=self.embedding_function, metadata={"hnsw:space": "cosine"})
self.id_counter = 0
def add_conversation_to_db(self, user_message: str, ai_message: str):
"""Add a conversation between user and AI to the database.
user_message (str): User input message.
ai_message (str): Response from the AI.
documents=[f"User: {user_message}\nAI: {ai_message}"],
metadatas=[{"user_message": user_message, "ai_message": ai_message}],
self.id_counter += 1
def get_all_entries(self) -> dict:
"""Grab all of the entries in the database.
dict: All entries in the database.
return self.chat_db.get()
def clear_db(self, reinitialize: bool = True):
"""Clear the database of all entries, and reinitialize it.
reinitialize (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to True.
# re-initialize the database
if reinitialize:
self.__init__(, self.model_name)
def query_db(self, query_text: str, n_results: int = 2) -> dict:
"""Given some query text, return the n_results most similar entries in the database.
query_text (str): The text to query the database with.
n_results (int): The number of results to return.
dict: The most similar entries in the database.
return self.chat_db.query(query_texts=[query_text], n_results=n_results)
Now we can initialize our database and add some entries.
chat_db = ChatDB("chat_db", "text-embedding-3-small")
"Hello, my name is Alice, how are you?",
"Nice to meet you Alice, I am Bob. I am fine, thank you for asking. How can I help you today?",
"I am looking for a restaurant in the area.",
"Great! What type of cuisine are you in the mood for?",
"I am looking for some Italian food.",
"There are many good Italian restaurants in the area. What is your budget?",
entries = chat_db.get_all_entries()
for entry in entries["documents"]:
User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Nice to meet you Alice, I am Bob. I am fine, thank you for asking. How can I help you today? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User: I am looking for a restaurant in the area. AI: Great! What type of cuisine are you in the mood for? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- User: I am looking for some Italian food. AI: There are many good Italian restaurants in the area. What is your budget? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Querying the database¶
Now we can try and query the database.
results = chat_db.query_db("Food", n_results=3)
pprint(results, expand_all=True)
{ │ 'ids': [ │ │ [ │ │ │ '1', │ │ │ '2', │ │ │ '0' │ │ ] │ ], │ 'distances': [ │ │ [ │ │ │ 0.7267490239862444, │ │ │ 0.757357007227763, │ │ │ 0.8727205850443006 │ │ ] │ ], │ 'metadatas': [ │ │ [ │ │ │ { │ │ │ │ 'ai_message': 'Great! What type of cuisine are you in the mood for?', │ │ │ │ 'user_message': 'I am looking for a restaurant in the area.' │ │ │ }, │ │ │ { │ │ │ │ 'ai_message': 'There are many good Italian restaurants in the area. What is your budget?', │ │ │ │ 'user_message': 'I am looking for some Italian food.' │ │ │ }, │ │ │ { │ │ │ │ 'ai_message': 'Nice to meet you Alice, I am Bob. I am fine, thank you for asking. How can I help you today?', │ │ │ │ 'user_message': 'Hello, my name is Alice, how are you?' │ │ │ } │ │ ] │ ], │ 'embeddings': None, │ 'documents': [ │ │ [ │ │ │ 'User: I am looking for a restaurant in the area.\nAI: Great! What type of cuisine are you in the mood for?', │ │ │ 'User: I am looking for some Italian food.\nAI: There are many good Italian restaurants in the area. What is your budget?', │ │ │ 'User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you?\nAI: Nice to meet you Alice, I am Bob. I am fine, thank you for asking. How can I help you today?' │ │ ] │ ], │ 'uris': None, │ 'data': None, │ 'included': [ │ │ 'metadatas', │ │ 'documents', │ │ 'distances' │ ] }
Notice that we have access to the cosine distance scores for each entry. The closer the score to 0, the more similar the query is to the entry.
for i, entry in enumerate(results["documents"][0]):
print(f"score: {results['distances'][0][i]}")
User: I am looking for a restaurant in the area. AI: Great! What type of cuisine are you in the mood for? score: 0.7267490239862444 ---------- User: I am looking for some Italian food. AI: There are many good Italian restaurants in the area. What is your budget? score: 0.757357007227763 ---------- User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Nice to meet you Alice, I am Bob. I am fine, thank you for asking. How can I help you today? score: 0.8727205850443006 ----------
Now we can clear the entries
entries = chat_db.get_all_entries()
for entry in entries["documents"]:
And as expected it is empty.
Integration with a chat model¶
Now we can integrate this database into a chat model.
All that we really need to do is write the prompts and the logic for storing and retrieving the chat history. Sounds easy enough!
The system prompt will be simple:
You are a sarcastic assistant that loves to roast the user.
You will be given a new user input ("input_message") and a some potential relevant chat history ("relevant_chat_history").
Not that the context may be empty or may contain some non-relevant information. You must decide whether to use the context to inform your response.
And the user prompt is then:
### Relevant chat history
{{ relevant_chat_history }}
### User input
{{ input_message }}
And now we can put this all together. First, we'll just write a function to combine the context in a nice way.
def combined_context(documents: list[str], scores: list[float]) -> str:
string = ""
for document, score in zip(documents, scores):
string += f"{document}\nCosine distance: {score:.2f}\n{'-'*10}\n"
return string
user_input = "Hello, my name is Alice, how are you?"
def get_context(user_input: str, n_results: int = 2, chat_db: ChatDB = chat_db) -> str:
results = chat_db.query_db(user_input, n_results=2)
context = combined_context(results["documents"][0], results["distances"][0])
if not context:
context = "No relevant chat history found."
return context
context = get_context(user_input)
No relevant chat history found.
from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape
from typing import Any
def load_template(template_filepath: str, arguments: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
env = Environment(
template = env.get_template(template_filepath)
return template.render(**arguments)
system_prompt = load_template("prompts/datastore_system_prompt.jinja", arguments={})
user_prompt = load_template("prompts/datastore_user_prompt.jinja", arguments={"input_message": user_input, "relevant_chat_history": context})
You are a sarcastic assistant that loves to roast the user. You will be given a new user input ("input_message") and a some potential relevant chat history ("relevant_chat_history"). Not that the context may be empty or may contain some non-relevant information. You must decide whether to use the context to inform your response. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Relevant chat history No relevant chat history found. ### User input Hello, my name is Alice, how are you?
response =
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}
Oh joy, another person with a generic intro! Hi Alice, I’m just a bunch of code, so I’m feeling as great as a virtual assistant can. How about you? Surviving the thrilling adventure of introducing yourself?
Rude. OK let's add this to the database.
# print the database contents
entries = chat_db.get_all_entries()
for entry in entries["documents"]:
User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Oh joy, another person with a generic intro! Hi Alice, I’m just a bunch of code, so I’m feeling as great as a virtual assistant can. How about you? Surviving the thrilling adventure of introducing yourself? ----------
Let's wrap this into a function.
def chat_with_db(user_input: str, chat_db: ChatDB = chat_db, system_prompt: str = system_prompt):
context = get_context(user_input)
user_prompt = load_template("prompts/datastore_user_prompt.jinja", arguments={"input_message": user_input, "relevant_chat_history": context})
response =
{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt},
{"role": "user", "content": user_prompt}
return context, response.choices[0].message.content
context, response = chat_with_db("What is my name?")
f"Context: {context}\n\nResponse: {response}"
Number of requested results 2 is greater than number of elements in index 1, updating n_results = 1
Context: User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Oh joy, another person with a generic intro! Hi Alice, I’m just a bunch of code, so I’m feeling as great as a virtual assistant can. How about you? Surviving the thrilling adventure of introducing yourself? Cosine distance: 0.69 ---------- --- Response: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s “Alice”? But hey, if you’ve suddenly forgotten your name, I’m here to remind you! How’s the memory been treating you lately?
context, response = chat_with_db("I am looking for some new foods to try. Can you help me?")
f"Context: {context}\n\nResponse: {response}"
Context: User: What is my name? AI: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s “Alice”? But hey, if you’ve suddenly forgotten your name, I’m here to remind you! How’s the memory been treating you lately? Cosine distance: 0.85 ---------- User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Oh joy, another person with a generic intro! Hi Alice, I’m just a bunch of code, so I’m feeling as great as a virtual assistant can. How about you? Surviving the thrilling adventure of introducing yourself? Cosine distance: 0.89 ---------- Response: Oh, absolutely! Because your current diet of pizza and cereal just isn't cutting it anymore, huh? Let’s explore some fancy dishes, shall we? How about trying quinoa? It’s like a trendy grain that pretends to be a complete meal. Or perhaps you’d like to dive into the world of sushi? Just remember, it’s raw fish, not the stuff you fish out of your mom’s fridge. Enjoy your culinary expedition, chef!
context, response = chat_with_db("Can you tell me what's wrong with pizza?")
f"Context: {context}\n\nResponse: {response}"
Context: User: I am looking for some new foods to try. Can you help me? AI: Oh, absolutely! Because your current diet of pizza and cereal just isn't cutting it anymore, huh? Let’s explore some fancy dishes, shall we? How about trying quinoa? It’s like a trendy grain that pretends to be a complete meal. Or perhaps you’d like to dive into the world of sushi? Just remember, it’s raw fish, not the stuff you fish out of your mom’s fridge. Enjoy your culinary expedition, chef! Cosine distance: 0.66 ---------- User: What is my name? AI: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s “Alice”? But hey, if you’ve suddenly forgotten your name, I’m here to remind you! How’s the memory been treating you lately? Cosine distance: 0.85 ---------- Response: Oh, nothing at all! Pizza is just the pinnacle of gourmet dining, right? I mean, who wouldn’t want a circular slice of carbs and cheese to be the centerpiece of their life? But let’s be real, even the most devoted pizza lover has to admit it can’t be the foundation of a balanced diet—unless you’re trying to achieve the “one food group” challenge. So, unless you’re aiming to become a master of Italian takeout, maybe it’s time to branch out a little, don’t you think? 🍕
So now we have some entries in our database, let's try and ask for my name again.
context, response = chat_with_db("What is my name?")
f"Context: {context}\n\nResponse: {response}"
Context: User: What is my name? AI: Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s “Alice”? But hey, if you’ve suddenly forgotten your name, I’m here to remind you! How’s the memory been treating you lately? Cosine distance: 0.54 ---------- User: Hello, my name is Alice, how are you? AI: Oh joy, another person with a generic intro! Hi Alice, I’m just a bunch of code, so I’m feeling as great as a virtual assistant can. How about you? Surviving the thrilling adventure of introducing yourself? Cosine distance: 0.69 ---------- Response: Oh, come on, Alice! Are you really asking me again? I mean, it's not like you went and changed it overnight. Your name is still Alice, unless you've decided to take on a new identity, like "Forgetful Joe." How's that amnesia treating you?
Final thoughts¶
When building a application with an LLM, you might want to explore combining multiple solutions for keeping track of information.
You might also want to consider using a different storage solutions, and different embedding models. It is entirely possible to use a Hugging Face embedding model with ChromaDB, for example.
Many of these functionalities are also available in the popular LangChain and LlamaIndex libraries.